Farmers Producer Company :
Farmers Producer Companies are promoted by MOFF for carrying out the value addition, processing, packing & grading of organically grown produce from the organic farming community form the state of Maharashtra & intends to take the responsibility of marketing such produce on a large scale by providing good price to the farmer. The organic foods will be supplied to the end consumer who is in continuous demand of certified organic foods with an excellent quality & high standards of hygiene. Post-harvest losses of horticultural produce are a challenge that needs to be taken seriously. Value addition of perishable agro produce is also an important area which will be considered on a priority basis & value added product pertaining to organically grown produce will be made available to the consumers. Its directors who are the participating farmers will own the company & association members & the profit sharing will be between all the shareholders of the proposed company.
The participating farmer member are bound to give their organically grown produce to the company at the agreed rate through out the year for which company will be paying with the policy decided by the board of directors which comprises the farmer members & the additional directors. The value addition, processing & packing will be carried out by the professionals from the company & marketing professionals will do the marketing through direct sales or any distribution system. Accordingly a composite project has been designed under the title
Farmers Producer Company.
Objectives :
The basic objects of the project are as follows :-
1. To promote stronger linkage between organic farm producers, processors, certification body & end consumers.
2. To establish backward & forward linkage to make success the venture based on planning, production, & procurement,
processing & marketing.
3. To set up a center for small – scale farmers in a rural area, in order to promote cluster of small – scale agro based
industry, thus creating employment opportunities & developing exports.
4. To create all sorts of infrastructure facilities like communication, storage & transport in rural areas for successful agro food
processing & supply chain for perishable agro produce.
5. To encourage integrated project for vegetables, fruits, spices & condiments, medicinal & herbal products for organic produce
6. To establish post harvest infrastructure & cold chain facilities, minimal processing including healthy food products.
7. To encourage eco friendly production activities of organic farming, medicinal plants, production of bio-fertilizers
& bio – pesticides.
8. Development of rural entrepreneurship & transfer of technology for organic farm production by utilizing local resources.
9. Providing hands on expertise at such production cum training center while according priority to rural women.
10. To create marketing complexes, networking including establishing retail outlets, franchise centers in urban & rural markets.
11. To undertake advertisement & publicity to build awareness among the consumers about the advantages of organic food &
their quality assurance mechanism. To participate in national & international exhibitions & fairs.
12. To provide encouragement & recognition to the organic farmers for production of quality produce through annual awards.
13. To promote a collective growing & contract farming for production of organic food & pass due benefits to the participating
farmer top respect his profession.
14. To market the organic produce in India & abroad as per the requirement of customers.
15. To market certified organic food through company owned shops & through retail chain.